Strategic Goals

Strategic Goals 2021-2025

Goal 1 Governance and Management
We will continue to enhance our governance and management.

Goal 2 Human Resources Planning & Management
We will enhance our HR planning and management systems.

Goal 3 Institutional Accreditation
We will continue to implement institutional accreditation for all eligible higher education institutions.

Goal 4 Programme Accreditation
We will implement a robust and internationally-benchmarked system for programme review and accreditation.

Goal 5 Oman Qualifications Framework (OQF)
We will launch and manage a comprehensive Oman Qualifications Framework (OQF) for all types and levels of education and training. 

Goal 6 Education Quality Enhancement
We will support the education sector in promoting quality culture and achieving the national vision and targets related to the quality of education.

Goal 7 Alignment and Cooperation with QA Entities
We will cooperate with local, regional and international associations and networks on the quality assurance and enhancement of education and obtain the recognition of prominent international agencies in the field.

Goal 8 Institutional Identity and Profile Raising
We will enhance our institutional identity, visibility and interaction with stakeholders.

Goal 9 Research
We will support and conduct, and disseminate where relevant, research  that reflects on our own practices and informs decision making and continuous improvement.
Goal 10 School Education Quality Assurance
We will develop and implement a comprehensive national system for the quality assurance of school education.