IEQA Register

IEQA Register

The purpose of this Register is to provide guidance to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in selecting an appropriate International External Quality Assurance Agency (IEQA) to maximise the benefit resulting from both a quality assurance activity and the developmental and reputational value of the outcome. The listed IEQA agencies have been reviewed, as per the stipulated criteria of Policy on International External Quality Assurance Activities, recommended by quality assurance experts and approved by The National Register Committee for Recognised International Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education Institutions in the Sultanate of Oman (RIAR Committee).
It should be noted that HEIs intending to undertake IEQA activity must adhere to the prescribed process of the mentioned Policy even if the target agency is listed in the Register. In the process of maintaining the Register, OAAAQA undertakes a process of vetting which leads to recommendations for inclusion or exclusion of IEQA agencies. The Register is dynamic as the RIAR Committee ensures its continuous update.

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Appeal Application Form Against the Outcome of an ...

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IEQA Activity Application Approval Form

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IEQA Activity Outcome Publication Approval Reques...

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IEQA register
