External Reviewer Details

Fahim Al-Marhubi

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Dr. Fahim Al-Marhubi is Dean of the College of Commerce and Economics, Sultan Qaboos University. He is an Associate Professor in and Chair of the Department of Economics and Finance and also served as an Assistant Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the College of Commerce and Economics. Dr. Al-Marhubi received his BA in Economics from the American University in Cairo (Egypt, 1985), and MA and Ph.D. in Economics from the Claremont Graduate University (U.S.A, 1988, 1994).   His teaching interests are in the areas of macroeconomics, development economics and international money and finance. His research interests focus on economic growth, the role of governance and institutions in development, economics of common currencies and economics of innovation. He has published in a number of internationally refereed journals including Public Choice, World Economy, Economic Letters, Contemporary Economic Policy, and Oxford Development Studies. He is a Research Fellow for the Economic Research Forum and a Research Associate of the Claremont Center for Economic Policy Studies, Claremont Graduate University. Dr. Al-Marhubi has served as chair and representative of the Sultanate to the Indian Ocean Rim Academic Group.